Chippy is Performing at the Binghamton, NY Airshow!

I’m excited to tell everyone that Chippy and I will be performing at the Binghamton NY Airshow on 17 & 18 July! We’re bringing classic aerobatics, new wingtip smoke and some fun innovations to our airshow routine, while striving to honor the rich tradition of past airshow greats who have flown this graceful, old-school airplane.
We’re trilled to be back in a big way, with a big show that includes the USAF Thunderbirds and some of the best airshow performers and planes anywhere, from antique to cutting edge:

USAF Thunderbird – F-16 CJ
US Army Golden Knights – C-147
Jerry Conley – DH-112 Vampire
Chris Zonio – RC 1/5th Scale F-16C
RJ Gritter – J3 Cub Comedy and Decathlon aerobatics
Mark Meredith – Super Chipmunk (Wow!)
Scott Francis – MXS high energy acro
CGAS Atlantic City – MH-65D
Geico Skytypers – SNJ-2 precision formation aerobatics
Jim Beasley Jr. – P-51 (USAF Heritage Flight)
ACC A-10 Demo Team

The 2021 Binghamton Airshow will be implementing a Drive-In layout similar to a tailgate party at your favorite sporting event. Other airshows this past pandemic year have done this setting with great success. BYO picnic and lawn chairs and enjoy the show.
Chippy and I hope to see you there! You bring the burgers, WE’LL BRING THE SMOKE! 🙃😎